The Reality of China’s Military Strength: Debunking the Myths

In recent years, China has garnered a reputation for having the world’s largest army and the third strongest military. The media often portrays China as a formidable force with advanced weapons and capabilities. However, is this portrayal accurate? In this blog, we will delve into the reality of China’s military strength, debunking the myths and uncovering the truth behind their claims.

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The Illusion of China Power

While China does possess high-tech weapons and a large number of soldiers, there are underlying factors that question the true strength of their military. One startling revelation is that many of China’s missiles are filled with water instead of rocket fuel. This discovery, reported by US intelligence, raises doubts about the actual operational capability of these missiles.

Furthermore, instances of Chinese soldiers abandoning their posts and fleeing the battlefield have been documented. This behavior contradicts the image of a strong and disciplined army. Corruption within the Chinese military is also a significant concern. News outlets have exposed cases where Chinese officers offer their daughters to their superiors for promotion, highlighting the depths to which corruption has permeated.

The Issue of Counterfeit Weapons

China’s military strength is often attributed to its vast arsenal of weapons. However, a closer look reveals that many of these weapons are imitations or copies of equipment from other countries. China has earned a reputation for reverse engineering and replicating military technology, resulting in a market flooded with counterfeit weapons.

For example, Chinese fighter aircraft such as the Shenyang J-31 bear striking resemblances to their American and Russian counterparts. China’s propensity for copying extends beyond fighter aircraft to include tanks, helicopters, rocket launchers, and more. These imitations, though visually similar, lack the performance and reliability of the original technology.

The Strategies Behind Weapon Duplication

China employs two primary strategies to acquire advanced military technology. The first strategy is cyber-attacks and cyber-spying. By targeting powerful nations like the United States, China gains access to blueprints and designs, enabling them to replicate weapons. The second strategy is reverse engineering, where Chinese officials purchase foreign weapons under the guise of conducting trials, only to dismantle, copy, and return the equipment.

However, this illicit approach to obtaining technology has its consequences. International buyers have become wary of purchasing Chinese weapons due to their substandard performance compared to the original designs. This decline in the export of Chinese weapons reflects the skepticism surrounding their quality and reliability.

A Crisis of Soldier Readiness

China’s military faces a significant crisis in soldier readiness. The one-child policy implemented by the Chinese government in the 1980s has resulted in a generation of soldiers who lack interest in their duty. The pressure on parents to protect their only child and the compulsory military training imposed on these children have diminished their enthusiasm for military service.

Moreover, the restrictive nature of military life in China further discourages soldiers from fully embracing their roles. Chinese soldiers experience limited freedom and are often subjected to strict regulations. Inadequate training and the inability to make independent decisions on the battlefield have been identified as additional weaknesses within the Chinese military.

The Rise of Corruption

Corruption has permeated the Chinese military at an alarming level. Reports suggest that 1.28 million corruption cases exist within the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). Bribery for promotion has become commonplace, with officers offering cars, houses, and even their own daughters to superiors. This pervasive corruption contributes to the accumulation of power and wealth among PLA officers.


Contrary to the media’s portrayal, China’s military strength is far from invincible. The illusion of power is shattered when we examine the reality behind their claims. Counterfeit weapons, soldier readiness issues, and rampant corruption all contribute to a weakened military force. While China may project an image of strength, the truth reveals a different story.

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